Last week outgoing President Cari Yturri treated us to her swan song. While some might regard her leadership year as a year of challenges, Cari described it as a year of plenty. In every aspect of her presidency, wherever she looked she found talent, generosity, and a can-do spirit. Cari recognized various Rotarians individually and then presented certificates of appreciation to  the members of her board. She has made a donation to the Rotary Foundation in each of their names.
Cari emphasized that leadership doesn't come from a single person. It takes teamwork, partnerships, and friendships. Rotary is blessed to have plenty of all three. "We have shown that we are able to adapt, pivot, and sustain," Cari said as she turned the gavel over to Megan Connors.
President Connors closed the meeting expressing what everyone felt - deep gratitude to her predecessor and the promise to carry on the traditions that make our club so strong